Message from our Research Director
It is with great pride that I welcome you to the Child Health & Exercise Medicine Program (CHEMP) at McMaster University and McMaster Children’s Hospital.
Child’s play is our business! From understanding movement behaviours at a young age to assessing and promoting fitness for youth growing up with a chronic medical condition or disability, our research program is built on the legacy of the late Dr. Oded Bar-Or, who was considered the father of pediatric exercise medicine and science. Our talented team of innovative scientists and enthusiastic trainees are passionate about exercise as medicine for children and youth across a wide range of topics.
Together, we strive to advance child health through excellence in research, education, and clinical care. We study and teach on the traditional territory shared between the Haudenosaunee confederacy and the Anishinabe nations. We value collaboration. We are dedicated to being inclusive.
I encourage you to browse our website, interact with us on social media, and contact us for more information or how to get involved.
Latest News from CHEMP
CHEMP members attended the NASPEM 2024 meeting in Kentucky!
Current Events
Welcome and farewell to our CHEMP summer staff!
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CHEMP Team members attend ICAMPAM in Rennes, France!
Current Events
McMaster News in Exercise Science
Get them moving before kindergarten
Physical activity in early childhood may have an impact on cardiovascular health later in life, according to new research from McMaster, where scientists followed the . . .
McMaster research recap: Remembering the stories that got people talking
Weight-loss drugs in Canada: What experts want you to know
Diet and exercise have long been the go-to duo to help address obesity, a chronic condition that impacts 30 per cent of Canadians, but researchers . . .